Monday, July 25, 2005

Doo be doo be doooooo

The only thing I'm learning right now at work is patience.

But that's OK, because I'm being payed pretty well to study the private effects of boredom.

In other news I should be getting my own apartment soon enough. This coming weekend/next week. I'm much happier now that I have a job to speak of, and I've already been made the lead for my team. Given keys, asked to provide the first line of retort for general questions, and generally asked to perform a supervisory role. Which is good. And bad.

Good because it has been recognized that I am a dedicated person that has strong potential for a long term position with the company.

And bad because I have no REAL authority as I'm still a temp, but the responsibility to make sure things don't get f'd up and no extra pay for it.

But in the long run I can be relatively certain that I will be one of the very few out of twenty to be hired on full time, which is good.

So everything is going OK, not great, not bad, OK. The sooner I get my own place the better everything will be, the sooner I have more to do at work than stare at a screen hoping we get mail, the better, but overall I really have nothing to complain about, which is somewhat irritating in and of itself.

That's all for now, thanks for reading, I wish you all the best.


Wednesday, July 06, 2005

The finish line is a cubical with my name on it.

Yes I know that this concept would make a great many of you very sad. But for me it is the height of glory and redemption. My soul weeps with joy at the prospect of once again working with computers in a clean, relaxed, low-impact environment and getting paid well to do it. This has been my longest stretch of unemployment in my adult life. And while I recognize that I'm pretty lucky to be able to say that, at the same time I feel that even six weeks is too long to be an unemployed couch surfer. I could have had a dozen different jobs by now, but I held out for the one I came up here for because I knew that, in the long run, it would be worth it. No more kitchens, no more coming home smelling like a restaurant dumpster, no more getting called in at the last minute and actually GOING because I feel responsible for the welfare of the business. Nine to five, Monday through Friday, casual dress, good health benefits, nothing more need be said on that.

OK, to catch those up who may not know what the hell I'm talking about considering that this blog is dedicated largely to my experiences in Yosemite. I've moved back to Eugene. In a manner that, I know now, was nothing short of ill advised. I gave two weeks notice to the Ahwahnee, I called my friend to come pick me up, and I saved about $1500 to live off of till I found work. A few problems came up in transit, $200 for gas, $50 for my bike to come along, I bought my friends debt from someone else which was to the tune of $360, and had to buy clothes that fit and would be suitable for an office setting as that's the employment I was seeking, which was another $200+. So with just less than $700 I set out to live in the bustling metropolis of Eugene for what I figure by all accounts will be about 2-3 weeks maximum before employment hits. More the fool I. So here I am six weeks later, having spent that $700 pretty swiftly I have since been picking up a dollar here or there with odd jobs, and supplementing that with poker, and whatever my friend can afford to pay me back. I've been managing to make enough to survive, but not enough to really get anywhere with.

But that's all over with thankfully. Got the job, it's good stuff, and while I can't say that just having this job and income makes me happy, because nothing can "make" you happy, I can say that a decent level of stress, frustration, personal questioning, and general concern have been abated.

So that's the life and times of Richie Harris, where in this we learn that while you can't buy happiness, you can certainly be in debt for it.

Thank you for reading, I wish you all your dreams gift wrapped with a card that says, "You deserve it"